Articles by Riaan Eksteen
Other Contributions
With his career spanning more than 50 years of diplomacy at the highest level, Riaan Eksteen PhD, is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg.
Other contributions
The alien tort statute of 1789 is no longer available to foreigners to claim for wrongdoings on foreign soil
The Alien Tort Statute (“ATS”) of 1789 was part of the first law to be enacted by the First Congress of the USA. Its original purpose was primarily to remedy harms suffered by aliens at the hands of US citizens. For two centuries it remained dormant. Then it became a...
So onthou ek Henry Kissinger (This is how I remember Henry Kissinger)
Ek was van Februarie 1968 tot Maart 1973 aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Ambassade in Washington D.C. verbonde. In November 1968 wen Richard Nixon die presidentsverkiesing en in Januarie 1969 word hy ingehuldig . . . [pdf-embedder...
Lecture at University of San Diego on 24 October 2023
Yesterday I lectured to the post-graduate students at the Center for International Business Education & Research (SDSU CIBER), Fowler College of Business, San Diego State University, California. The subject was "BRICS Expansion and its Implications for Politics...
BRICS Expansion and its implications for Politics and Global Business
"BRICS Expansion and its Implications for Politics and Global Business" at the Center for International Business Education & Research (SDSU CIBER), Fowler College of Business, San Diego State University, on 24 October 2023, presented by Riaan Eksteen Ph.D.* ...
Riaan Eksteen se Opmerking oor dr Henry Kissinger op sy 100ste verjaarsdag
Om 100 jaar te bereik is 'n besonderse geleentheid. Om dit te kan bereik met 'n intellek wat nog skerp en ontledend is oor wêreldgebeure, politieke tendense en streekskonflikte waarvan vele staatslui en kundiges oor staatkunde telkens nog kennisneem, is 'n...